About the Department
- 3 large gymnasiums
- 6 squash courts
- 25-meter swimming pool
- 400-meter outdoor track
- several fitness rooms with a large selection of aerobic & weight training equipment
- indoor climbing wall
- well-equipped martial arts & dance studio
- numerous outdoor playing fields
- resource centre with a computer & other materials to enhance student learning
Members of the Department
The Physical Education, Health and Nutrition faculty is a group of dedicated and experienced professionals, with many years of teaching in a wide variety of activity areas. Many of us are recognized experts in our fields and leaders in the community. We are committed to providing quality instruction to our students through a wide variety of courses and learning opportunities to meet our students’ needs, interests, and abilities. We recognize our unique opportunity to work with students to influence them and have a positive impact on their lives. We take this responsibility very seriously.

Armstrong, Scott
Scott Armstrong has been a member of John Abbott College Department of Physical Education since 2014. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Kinesiology from the University of Ottawa a Bachelor degree in Education (Physical Education) from Mc Gill University and a Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership from McGill. Scott teaches a variety of courses across the Physical Education Curriculum, and serves as a member of the Curriculum Development Committee. What he enjoys most about teaching at JAC is seeing the students learn new skills, accept new challenges and build resiliency through those challenges.

Berkers, Anthony
Since 2005, Anthony Berkers has taught at the college and university level in physical & outdoor education and is a proud member of JAC's Physical Education, Health, and Nutrition Department since 2020. He holds Bachelor's degrees in Kinesiology (Calgary)and Psychology (McGill), and a Master's of Kinesiology (New Hampshire). Prior to this Anthony worked as an outdoor guide and educator for a decade in Western Canada and internationally in the Americas and Southeast Asia. His primary areas of interest in teaching are anything in the outdoors and in functional and somatic movement

Cameron, John
John Cameron has been a member of the John Abbott College's Department of Physical Education since 2021. He holds a Bachelor degree in Physical Education from McGill University and a Master's degree in Educational Leadership from McGill as well. John has had the opportunity to serve as the President of the Association of Physical Educators of Quebec, as well as the Co-chair of the Physical Education Council of Provinces and Territories. What John enjoys most about teaching at John Abbott College is the opportunity to work with students and help them continue to develop into life long, active learners.

Fahmy, Magda
Magda Fahmy graduated from Concordia University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and continued her studies at McGill University where she completed her credentialing to become a dietitian in 2005. She also completed a Masters of Science in Dietetics and Human Nutrition at McGill University in 2011 with a project focused on developing nutrition and physical activity recommendations to prevent gestational diabetes in subsequent pregnancies. As a member of L’Ordre Professionnel des Diététistes du Québec (OPDQ), Magda has worked in many areas of nutrition. Before working at John Abbott College, Magda taught Continuing Education for the University of Guelph and worked as a dietitian in Community Health Centres, long-term care, non-profit organizations, and private clinics promoting health and providing nutrition consultations to clients since 2006. Magda joined John Abbott College as a nutrition teacher in 2011.

Fitleberg, Joel
Joel Fitleberg is a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education. He holds a Bachelor degree in Education (majoring in Physical Education) from McGill University. At JAC, Joel is coach of the Golf Team, and coordinates the Squash Club.

Ghinani, Sasan
Professor Ghinani has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since 2009. He holds a Bachelor degree in Human Kinetics from the University of Ottawa, as well as a Masters in Neurological Sciences & Neurosurgery from McGill University. At JAC, Professor Ghinani coaches the Cross-Country running team and serves as a member of the Academic Advisory Committee for International Projects in the College. What Professor Ghinani enjoys most about teaching at JAC is sharing his unyielding passion to push his own limits. This is revealed through his teaching by encouraging students to continuously reach and surpass their own limits. He has competed at national levels in kickboxing and running and international levels in taekwondo. In his spare time he enjoys traveling, hiking, canoeing, climbing, running, working out, cooking and reading.

Healey, Monica
Monica Healey has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since 2010, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of McGill. Monica is a certified Yoga Instructor having completed teacher trainings with both Moksha Yoga International and YogaFit Training Systems. She is also a YMCA certified Fitness Instructor and specializes in Spinning instruction. Monica is an active member of the JAC on the Move committee and enjoys helping students discover new ways to lead an active lifestyle.

Hill, David
David Hill has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since 2004. He holds a Bachelor degree in Physical Education, as well as a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from McGill University. At JAC, David serves as the Outdoor Education Chair within the faculty of Physical Education. He also serves as a member of the Sustainability committee of the College. David has been recognized with the SUJAC award for contributing to student life and the Association of Physical Educators of Quebec’s Cegep Physical Education Teaching Excellence Award. What David enjoys most about teaching at JAC is seeing students have fun, exceed their own self-imposed limitations and become powerful agents of positive change (preferably OUTDOORS).

Homsy, Céline
A West Islander and former John Abbott student, I loved my physical education classes so much I decided I was going to teach at the school one day. After a Bachelor and Masters in Physical Education at McGill University, I was soon part of this wonderful institution. My particular interests lie in motivating my students to develop better lifestyle habits that they can carry through their lives. I am an ex swimmer and lifeguard who worked in fitness centers for years where I discovered and developed a love for yoga.

Lloyd-Hughes, Bronwen
Bronwen Lloyd-Hughes has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since 2015. She holds a Bachelor degree in Education (Physical Education) from Mc Gill University . Bronwen primarily teaches Dance and Yoga classes, and serves as a member of the Curriculum Development Committee. What she enjoys most about teaching at JAC is seeing the students get so much enjoyment out of exercising in dance and revisiting different and exciting ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Marin, Noémie
Noémie Marin has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since 2019. She holds a Bachelor degree in Physical Education with two majors; Health Education and Community Health from University of Minnesota Duluth and got her higher education degree from the University of Montreal. She primarily teaches fitness conditioning, ball and ice hockey, racquets sports and swim activities. What she enjoys most about teaching at JAC is being able to share her passion for working out, being active and playing sports.

Matthew, Valerie
Val Matthew has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since 2009. She holds a Bachelor degree in Physical Education from McGill University. She primarily teaches aquatics and running classes. What she enjoys most about teaching at JAC is the positive energy in the college and getting to know students from her classes.

Miller, Brianna
Brianna Miller has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since January of 2018. She holds a Bachelor degree in Physical Education from McGill University, as well as a Master’s degree in Education from the University of Ottawa. As a current member of the Senior Women’s National Rugby 15’s team, she is also the Academic Advisor for the Islander men’s rugby team. She primarily teaches fitness conditioning, team sports, spinning and badminton classes. What she enjoys most about teaching at JAC is seeing all the support and academic assistance the school has to offer the students and student athletes.

Morrison, Laura
Laura Morrison has been a member of the Physical Education Department at John Abbott College since 2000. She holds a bachelors degree in Arts from Concordia University as well as a Bachelors degree in Physical Education from McGill University. Laura Morrison serves as a member of the curriculum development committee and has been recognized with the SUJAC award for outstanding contribution to school life at John Abbott College. What she enjoys most about teaching at JAC is helping students to have fun while being active in hopes that they will continue to lead an active lifestyle.

Mumme, Ben
Ben Mumme is proud to be part of JAC’s Physical Education, Health and Nutrition Department. Ben is passionate about healthy active living, holistic wellness and quality physical education. Originally from Montréal, he attended McGill University while completing his Bachelor of Education Degree with a concentration in Physical and Health Education.
Currently, Ben is pursuing a Master’s of Education in Sustainability, Creativity and Innovation. The program offers courses that enable learners to become more empowered leaders in education for sustainability, contribute to individual, community and global well-being and enhance teaching skills through real-world connections and integrated learning.
Ben has worked both provincially and nationally in the education, athletics and health recreation sectors. Ben believes in the process of empowering all people to develop the motivation, knowledge, physical competence and confidence to value physical literacy and take responsibility for engaging in physical activities for life.
A personal highlight from Ben's youth was when he was selected as a Torchbearer for the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games. When time allows, you can find Ben active outdoors; running, biking, swimming and hiking. Enrichment hobbies that Ben enjoys are reading, writing, photography, podcasts and spending quality time with family, friends and loved ones.

Pfeiffer, Laura
Professor Laura Pfeiffer has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education, Health and Nutrition since 2007. She holds a Bachelor degree in Education (Physical Education) from McGill University, as well as a Master’s degree in Adapted Physical Education from McGill University. At JAC, Professor Pfeiffer has served as Co-Chair of the department since Fall 2013. She is also one of the faculty representatives on JAC’s Concussion Management Team, helping students to return to school fulltime as they recover from a concussion. Professor Pfeiffer most enjoys working with such talented colleagues as well as helping students successfully navigate their way through this important phase of their lives.

Privée, Chelsea
Chelsea Privée has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since 2011. She holds a Bachelor degree in Physical Education from McGill University, as well as a Masters in Physical Education Pedagogy from McGill University. The thing Chelsea enjoys most about teaching at JAC is that she gets to share her passion with all of her students. Chelsea loves teaching all fitness and team sports courses, including CrossFit, Rugby, Ice Hockey, Squash, as well as Police technology and PHEC Physical Skills courses. She is a Certified CrossFit coach and is involved in teaching bootcamp classes on campus to staff as well as fitness courses and Physical Education at the McGill MacDonald campus. She is also an assistant coach for the McGill Martlet Rugby Team.

Raymond-Parent, Genevieve
Genevieve Raymond-Parent has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since 2011. She holds a Bachelors degree in Education (Physical Education) from McGill University and subsequently pursued a Masters in Dance at UQAM (TBC). Genevieve is interested in Mind-Body practices such as pilates, dance and somatic education. She believes in using concepts of Sustainable Happiness to support student wellbeing, access and success, regardless of any differences these students may have. She currently sits on the Faculty Accessibility Team, the Harassment Awareness Committee and the Physical Education Department Curriculum Committee. Her favorite part of teaching at John Abbott College is being able to develop and share new strategies to guide and support students as they learn and grow.

Roberts, John
John Roberts has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since 2008. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from Concordia University, as well as a Bachelor of Education in Phys.Ed from McGill University. At JAC, John serves as Co-Chair of the Department of Physical Education. What John enjoys most about teaching at JAC is sharing with his students his interest in exercise, health, sport science and the outdoors. He believes that outdoor pursuits not only benefit physical fitness they enhance the ability to take on all of life’s challenges. John, when not on campus, will most likely be found on the side of a mountain or in the middle of a lake.

Shaw, Jane
Professor Jane Shaw has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since 2006. She holds a Bachelor degree in Education (Physical Education) from McGill University, as well as a Masters in Physical Education (Administration) from the University of Ottawa. At JAC, Professor Shaw serves as a Chair of the Racquet Sports committee and is a member physical education hiring committee. What Professor Shaw enjoys most about teaching at JAC is having the opportunity to work with the students, teaching them the technical aspects of a wide variety of sports and exposing them to all the different aspects of what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Wall, Ted
Ted Wall has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since 2006. He holds a Bachelor degree in Physical Education from McGill University, as well as a Masters in Biomechanics. Ted serves as a member of the Hiring committee of the College, as well as acting as the curriculum chair for Team Sports. Ted is also the Strength Coach for the college football team.

Zimerman, Mikhail
Mikhail Zimerman has been a member of John Abbott College’s Department of Physical Education since 2008. He holds a Bachelor degree in Physical Education from McGill University, as well as a Master’s degree in Pedagogy from McGill University. He primarily teaches Martial Arts classes. What he enjoys most about teaching at JAC is to be able to help his students to realize the importance of staying physically active in a fun and positive environment.
Phys Ed Courses
Physical Education, Health and Nutrition is one of five compulsory core subjects common to all CEGEP programs. Along with English, French, and Humanities, these five comprise the General Education segment of every student’s CEGEP diploma requirements.
Today, the cornerstone of Quebec CEGEP education is competency-based learning. It focuses on outcomes, and individualized and flexible pathways to achieve them. It also emphasizes generalizable skills, applicable across program areas, such as language, mathematical, and computer literacy. Its basic tenet is students taking responsibility for their own education.
To this end, the Department of Physical Education, Health and Nutrition at John Abbott College offers a wide variety of courses in many different areas: aquatics, physical fitness, dance, outdoor education, team, individual and racquet sports. To graduate, students must pass three compulsory physical education, health and nutrition courses:
Centers on lifestyle behaviours and participation in numerous activities.
Emphasizes skill and knowledge acquisition in a particular activity/sport.
Focuses on development of a long-term plan for health and well-being.
Within each of these, students are provided with a wide selection of courses to choose from. In all of our courses, active participation, experimentation, and experiential learning are emphasized, along with personal goal-setting and evaluation of progress. Safety and respect for rules and participants are also paramount. We feel our individualized approach to learning best meets the needs, interests, and abilities of our students, and respects both the spirit and practice of competency-based education.
For a complete list of the Physical Education, Health and Nutrition courses available at John Abbott College, please browse through the Program Structure section of the John Abbott website.
Supplemental Information
Our courses, facilities, and teachers exist for only one reason – our students.
The Department of Physical Education, Health and Nutrition strives to promote healthy and responsible lifestyle behaviours in our students, as well as encouraging their personal, physical, and mental well-being. We attempt to achieve this by providing a scientifically-sound knowledge base, coupled with safe, enjoyable activity experiences. Our goal is to equip students with the necessary tools and knowledge to take control of their personal health and wellness now and in the future. Through our leadership and guidance, we encourage students to incorporate more physical activity into their daily lives and to continue to do so for the rest of their lives.
PHONE: 514-457-6610 ext.: 5408
FAX: 514-457-4730
The Physical Education, Health & Nutrition Department offers complementary and program-related nutrition courses.
Nutrition Courses
Diet, Weight and Diseases
Nutrition Today
Nutrition and Oral Health (Dental Hygiene Program)
Sports Nutrition
For a list of courses offered by the Physical Education, Health & Nutrition department, please visit the General Education (Complementary courses) section of the Program Planner.