Notar, Clea
Clea Notar has taught Film Studies in the Media Arts department at John Abbott for over 20 years. Her areas of specialization are international narrative cinema, American independents, introduction to film as art and films by filmmakers under 30.
Clea’s commitment to film as a tool for social and personal transformation is born witness in the film programming she developed and implemented for alternative venues such as: a minimum-security men’s prison (Bexhill, UK), the dementia unit of a nursing home (Waterloo, Canada) and a drop-in centre for the homeless (Montreal, Canada).
Clea has written on, and broadcast reportages on film and the arts in Canada, England and continental Europe, has worked for international film festivals in Canada and the US, has a background in CBC national radio and alternative music coverage. Clea has facilitated journaling workshops for the community of cancer survivors and their caregivers at an established cancer support centre in Canada.
Clea is a strong proponent of the arts and other natural resources for wellbeing and transformation.