Serrati, John
Education: PhD, University of St Andrews, 2001
Research interests:
The main area of my research involves the modalities of Roman imperialism and early provinciae. I focus primarily on the mid- and late Republic, looking at Roman provincial administration, the economy, and the non-military expansion of control in conquered territories. Sicily acts as a microcosm for this line of inquiry; here, I concentrate on the role of the island in the Roman Republic and the formation of the earliest proviniciae. Included in this project is an analysis of Cicero’s Verrine Orations. The aforementioned areas cross over with my broader field of study, which involves the examination of monetary and non-monetary capital in the military sphere. My research in this field looks at the role that royal and state economies played in projections of power and in providing rulers and ruling elites the means to wage war.
Other ongoing projects include the reception of classical Sparta in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the perception of space in the early Roman forum, and a greater study of ancient imperialism.
Serrati, J., Beck, H. and Jehne, M. (Eds.) (2016). Money and Power in the Roman Republic. Brussels: Latomus.
Serrati, J. (2016). Early Provincial Economies in the West: The lex Hieronica and the Financing of Roman Conquest. In H. Beck, M. Jehne and J. Serrati (Eds.) Money and Power in the Roman Republic. Brussels: Latomus.114-130.
Serrati, J. (2016). War, Weaponry, and Empire. In N. Dalmackie et al. (eds), The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Empire. Oxford: Blackwell: 1-13.
Serrati, J. (2015). Éditer les fragments des historiens romains. Latomus, 74, 1077-1083.
Serrati, J. (2013). Government and Warfare. In H. Beck (Ed.). A Companion to Ancient Greek Government. Oxford: Blackwell. 317-331.
Serrati, J. (2013). The Hellenistic Experience with War: Stagnation or Development? In B. Campbell and L. Trittle (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Warfare in the Classical World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.179-198.
Serrati, J. (2012). Various entries. In R.S. Bagnall et al. (Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Blackwell
Serrati, J. (2012). Imperial Expansion and the Fall of the Roman Republic: Post Hoc, Propter Hoc. In D. Hoyos (Ed.) The Companion to Roman Imperialism. Leiden: Brill. 155-168.
Serrati, J. and Covino, R.J. (2012). Euripides’ Bacchae and the Greek Theatre in Syracuse. Didaskalia 9, 38-44.
Serrati, J. (2011). The Rise of Rome to 264. In D. Hoyos (Ed.). The Blackwell Companion to the Punic Wars. Oxford: Blackwell. 9-27.
Serrati, J. (2011). Neptune’s Altars: The Treaties Between Rome and Carthage (509-226 BC). (Republication of 2006 article, infra). The Best Classical Scholarship of the Last Sixty Years: Classical Quarterly Special Issue. 100-121.
Serrati, J. (2008). A Syracusan Private Altar and the Development of Ruler-Cult in Hellenistic Sicily. Historia 57, 80-91.
Serrati, J. (2007). Warfare and the State. In P. Sabin, H. van Wees, and L.M. Whitby (Eds.). The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 461-497.
Serrati, J. (2006). Neptune’s Altars: The Treaties Between Rome and Carthage (509-226 BC). Classical Quarterly 66, 113-134.
Serrati, J., Anglim, S. et al. (2002). Fighting Techniques of the Ancient World 3000 BC-AD 500: Equipment, Combat Skills, and Tactics. New York: St Martin’s, 256 pp.
Serrati, J. and Smith, C.J. (Eds.) (2000). Sicily from Aeneas to Augustus: New Approaches in Archaeology and History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 241 pp.
Serrati, J. (2000). Garrisons and Grain: Sicily between the Punic Wars. In C.J. Smith and J. Serrati (Eds.). Sicily from Aeneas to Augustus: New Approaches in Archaeology and History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 115-133.