Tosaj, Nicholas
PhD: University of Toronto (In Progress)
Masters: Concordia University
Hon. Bachelors: Concordia University
Research Interests:
My research interests gravitate around food history, particularly in the context of empires and colonialism. My PhD focuses on the place of bread and staple carbohydrates in the Modern French Colonial Empire while my MA centered on the role of Auguste Escoffier’s cooking in diffusing French culture through British hotels. Field work for both degrees has taken me to archives in France, Cambodia, Vietnam, Martinique and Morocco. I am a current affiliate of the Culinaria Research Centre as well as being a SSHRC Doctoral Fellow. I have been fortunate enough to present my research at Harvard University, to the Association for the Study of Food and Society as well as in other academic contexts. I enjoy using food and other diverse sources to demonstrate to my students the range of different approaches which can be used to interpret history.
Tošaj, N. Finding France in Flour: Communicating Colonialism in French Indochina through Bread. In Cecilia Leong-Salobir (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Food in Asia. (Forthcoming)
Tošaj, N. Weaving the Imperial Breadbasket: Nationalism, Empire and the Triumph of Canadian Wheat, 1890-1940. Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, 2017, Volume 28, Issue 1, pp. 249 – 275.