Rock, Rick

Rock, Rick

Rick began his teaching career by training and consulting design professionals, corporations and educational institutions in a variety of computer graphic related digital visual arts fields. Since 1984, he has focused his efforts on photography, illustration, 3D animation and Postscript® image setting, i.e. desktop publishing.

In the nineties, Rick was a principle collaborator with the ‘Center for Imaging Arts & Technology’ program (CIAT) of the Dawson College Institute of Photography. During that time, he retrained design professionals for the burgeoning Postscript© digital output service market. He also broadened his teaching sphere to include CEGEP students in photography and computer graphic related subjects.

In the spring of the year 2000, Rick was contracted to provide retraining to the newly conceived Publication Design and Hypermedia Technology program (PDHT) at John Abbott and Dawson colleges. PDHT was a newly formed career program transitioned from the existing Office Systems Management program. Rick made the choice to accept an invitation to join the PDHT department faculty at John Abbott College in the winter semester of 2001.

Rick continued his professional development by completing his master’s degree in education during his tenure at John Abbott. He currently remains a member of the PDHT teaching faculty. In 2018 PDHT revised its program and updated the department name to Graphic & Web Design (G&WD). Apart from his regular teaching, he is also responsible as technical co-chair for the department. He endeavors to expand opportunities for the G&WD students which includes design internship and community partnerships. The John Abbott and McGill campus communities continue to benefit from the collaborative design student services he incorporates into his classroom activities.