MacLean, Roger
I completed my BA in Sociology, with a thesis, at Acadia University in the area of work and how people perceive authority based on data collected in Hamilton Ontario. My MA in Sociology at Concordia was in the area of Religion and how people maintain their systems of belief, which was built on my Associates Arts degree in Theology.
For my PhD, I worked in Mali West Africa for two summers collecting social science and natural science data to develop an approach to empower women to grow fusarium oxysporum to manage a weed Striga. I completed my PhD at McGill in the department of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering (BioResource Engineering).
Presently I have main interests in environmental and global issues, especially in the areas of exploitation of workers and women. I am also interested in the present global issues of WATER and the limitations on availability.
Another area of interest is global consumer behaviour, global marketing and business practices, especially in terms of how our purchasing choices impact those in other countries. Finally I have working in the areas of using 3D and Virtual Reality for teaching.
My teaching philosophy is that students learn best through interaction and independent decision making.