Gloux, Sabrina
Courses taught: Introduction to Anthropology, The Anthropology of Violence and Conflict, Forensic Anthropology and Human Rights, Forensic Anthropology, Social Science Research Methods, Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences, and Integration in the Social Sciences
Biographical information: Growing up around the world made me easily and quickly accustomed to many different cultures which is probably the main reason why I naturally oriented myself towards Anthropology. I came to Montreal 16 years ago to study Physical Anthropology in which I completed both a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. degree at the Université de Montréal. Being interested in Molecular Biology as well as Forensic Sciences, I also completed a certificate in Ancient DNA extraction and analysis at the Paleo-DNA Lab of the Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario; and two certificates in Forensic Medicine and Crime Scene Investigation from the Institut des Hautes Etudes en Criminologie in Paris, France. I am currently pursuing a PhD in Biological Anthropology at the Université de Montréal.
My main areas of interest are paleoanthropology, human evolution, functional anatomy, comparative anatomy, human osteology, skeletal biology, forensic anthropology, and ancient DNA. Specific research interests include the understanding of the macroscopic and microscopic skeletal adaptations to mechanical loads and variations, to better interpret skeletal markers of activity patterns and related injury patterns in osteological remains.