Seller, Robbyn

Seller, Robbyn

Courses taught: Introduction to Anthropology, Anthropology of Sports and Leisure, Anthropology and Environment, Medical Anthropology, Peoples of the World, Race & Racism, Human Evolution, Social Science Research Methods, and Integration in the Social Sciences.

Biographical information: Robbyn began teaching Anthropology in 1996. She has completed a B.A. honours in Anthropology with a minor in Linguistics at Concordia University, an M.A. and Ph.D. at McGill University. Her Master's work involved an analysis of children's narratives from the Solomon Islands, focusing on urbanization and cultural and linguistic ˜creolization". For the Ph.D., Robbyn carried out research in the Caribbean, with a focus on gender identities and relations in the context of decolonization. Robbyn has worked as a fellow or a research associate on various research projects involving immigrant populations in Montreal, notably concerning communication in inter-cultural healthcare situations, and participatory research with Family Medicine at McGill. Her training also includes a graduate course in teaching at the post-secondary level and several teaching workshops, as well as a CIHR-funded fellowship in a transdisciplinary researcher training program.