Voinea, Sorin

Voinea, Sorin

Sorin joined the Faculty of Business Administration in 2019 after acquiring a wealth of business experience in both Fortune 100 and emergent multinationals, starting from his native Romania to Canada, Austria, and Thailand. He received his MBA from McGill University in Montreal (2002). There he was selected in the McGill KARMA Scholastic Honours program in recognition of his professional and academic performance.

On a personal side, Sorin is a tireless optimist who always sees the good in people and the world around him. Whenever he had the chance, he has strived to make a difference in the community by volunteering to help those in need. He served on the Board of Directors for a hospitality house in Montreal and also engaged as a business adviser for the Canadian Executive Service Organization working on a development project for an Indigenous community in the Hudson Bay area. He is currently a member of Baie-D'Urfé Rescue Squad, an all-volunteer organization that provides competent and caring aid to our community, through prevention, public education, and emergency services.