

The Department of Mathematics is located on the second floor of the Herzberg building.
For the location of specific math teachers’ offices, check the college directory (search “Math”). Here is a map to help you find your way around (click to enlarge):


All math teachers post their schedules online, indicating when they are in class and when you can expect them to be available. There is no need to make an appointment to meet a teacher during their office hours; these hours are intended for students to simply drop in. Above all, don’t be shy; teachers are here to help!



About Our Stained Glass Window

When you visit the Mathematics department at John Abbott College, take a look above the door — you’ll see one of the treasures of the College, the stained glass window we feature on our webpage. It was created around 1983 by John Lehmann, a Fine Arts instructor at the College, who was commissioned by the Math department to design and create a window based on the theme “Mathematics and its place in the world”.

Take a look at the design, and you will see some familiar images, and some perhaps less familiar. For example, Leonardo da Vinci’s “Man in Square and Circle” illustrates mathematical proportions in art, the T-square and dividers illustrate the use of geometry in architectural and engineering design, toroidal surfaces illustrate unusual reference frames, and Venn diagrams (the intersecting sets) represent set theory and logic, which are fundamental concepts in computer science, which is also represented by the old-style computer cards (Hollerith cards aka punch cards). Don’t miss an old favorite, Pythagoras’ Theorem.

We’re proud to be the home of this artwork, and hope it serves as a reminder that Mathematics has a scope far beyond what is covered in a few college courses. And it’s a delight to the eye.


Check the college directory for specific math teachers’ coordinates.

Some of our faculty maintain websites related to their teaching or mathematical interests:

Individual Faculty Websites

William Boshuck: http://jac.tips/

Derrick Chung: http://derrickchung.com/JAC/



Math Department Chair: Kevin Davis
Co-Chairs: Sergio Fratarcangeli, Rhoda Sollazzo, Ethan Mombourquette 

Faculty and Staff

Al Balushi, Ibrahim : On leave

Al Balushi, Ibrahim

On leave


Balogh, Ferenc : Co-Chair

Balogh, Ferenc



Boyce, Ryan :

Boyce, Ryan


Davis, Kevin : Chair

Davis, Kevin



Felisberto Valente, Gustavo :

Felisberto Valente, Gustavo


Fratarcangeli, Sergio : Co-Chair

Fratarcangeli, Sergio



Lo Vasco, Frank :

Lo Vasco, Frank


Panassenko, Alex : Co-Chair

Panassenko, Alex



Whitmore, Karli : Math Lab Attendant

Whitmore, Karli

Math Lab Attendant




Course Outlines

The Department of Mathematics offers courses for Social Science, Science, Arts and Sciences, Double DEC: Science and Social Science, Liberal Arts, Biopharmaceutical Production Technology, Computer Science Technology, Engineering Technologies, and Pathways. 

The most recent course outline for each course offered by the Department of Mathematics can be found at this link: Course Outlines 

Note that for multi-section courses, information specific to each section (for example meeting times, instructor contact info, and dates of major evaluations) will be in an addendum provided by the instructor. 




Old Exams

Final examinations from previous semesters are available here: Math Exams Archive (Public) 

More recent exams tend to be more representative of current expectations, as it is common for courses to experience some drift in topics and emphasis over time. If you suspect that a question from an older exam is outside of the current course content, ask your teacher for clarification. 

Please tell your instructor about any problems you are having with these exams—and especially if you find a mistake in the answers! 


Course Materials

The Math Department maintains an online repository of supplemental materials, such as exercise sets and notes on certain topics.  Your teacher may direct you to access some of these, or you may find them helpful for independent study.

Click on a subject below to access the index of related supplemental materials.

Calculus – Science
Calculus – Social Science and Commerce
Linear Algebra – Science
Linear Algebra – Social Science and Commerce
Algebra and Functions

Math Competitions

Every year, interested John Abbott College students participate in mathematics competitions at the national and provincial level.

Math contests  – Winter 2024 

Concours de mathématiques de l’Association mathématique du Québec (AMQ) 

Internal registration deadline:
Tuesday, February 6th, 2024, at 16:00
Contest date:
Wednesday, February 14th, 2024


Euclid contest (Waterloo) 

Internal registration deadline:
Friday, March 1st, 2024, at 16:00
Contest date:
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024 

Please contact Ferenc Balogh by Mio if you wish to participate or if you have questions. 

Annual Competitions

Sun Life Financial Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge
Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest (CSMC)
Euclid Contest
Concours AMQ

Notable past results

Chenglong Zou and Julia Evans of John Abbott College placed, respectively, first and second in Québec in the 2005 Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge; they were invited to sit the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad and the Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad.

Jaeho Lee placed 16th in the 2014 Concours AMQ, and was invited to a summer mathematics camp sponsored by the AMQ.

High School Review

JAC Capsules

What are the main things from high school math that you should remember going into CEGEP math classes? Do you need a refresher? Use the resources below to quiz yourself on the major subjects that you’ll need from high school. For any topic where you could use some review, consult our notes and/or videos, and then when you’re ready, try the problem set.


Factoring Quiz: Use this to evaluate your factoring skills

Factoring Videos: a playlist with helpful videos explaining the formulas you need to know and going through several practice problems

Factoring Notes: Check this document for formulas, tips and tricks, and examples to perfect your factoring skills

Factoring Practice: Extra practice to make sure you understand how to factor

Exponent Rules and Simplification

Exponents Rules Quiz: Use this quiz to evaluate how you are at simplifying using the exponent rules

Exponent Rules Videos: a playlist with helpful videos explaining in depth the different exponent rules as well as going through several practice problems

Exponent Rules Notes: check this document for an in depth explanation of the rules

Exponents Practice: practice using the exponent rules to simplify the types of things you’ll have to simplify in calculus

Understanding Math Notation

Math Notation Quiz: Use this quiz to challenge your math vocabulary and to see how good you are at translating math to words and words to math

Math Notation Videos: explanations and examples to help you understand what the words and notation actually mean when doing math

Math Notation Notes: check this document for definitions of words, tips on the order of operations, and tips on how to translate math into words and words into math

Math Notation Practice: practice to make sure you understand the needed vocabulary and notation

Exponential Functions

Exponential Functions Quiz: Use this quiz to check your knowledge of exponential functions

Exponential Functions Notes: Need a refresher on exponential functions? These notes cover the basic points.

Exponential Function Videos Quiz: A playlist of video explainers about exponential functions

Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions: A quick reference on the properties of graphs of exponential (and logarithmic) functions

Exponential Functions Problem Set: When you’re ready, test out your skills with this problem set.


Logarithms Quiz: Are your logarithm skills ready for Calculus class? Use this quiz to find out.

Logarithms Notes: A concise look at logarithms, covering the basics you should know coming into Calculus class.

Logarithm Videos: Video explanations of important things to know about logarithms

Graphs of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions: A quick reference on the properties of graphs of logarithmic (and exponential) functions

Logarithms Problem Set: Once you’ve reviewed, try out your skills with logarithms with this problem set.


Trigonometry Quiz: Use this quiz to check on your trigonometry skills

Summary of High School Trigonometry: This document is a quick reference on the basics of trigonometry.

Unit Circle Notes: Need help knowing trig values from the unit circle? This document teaches you how to do it.

Trigonometry Videos: Video versions of the trig notes, and solutions to problem set

Trigonometry Problem Set: Once you’ve reviewed your trig, use this problem set to sharpen your skills.
Video Solutions